More About Consultations

How Many Consultations do I Require?

It usually only takes one consultation to provide you with practical ideas to solve your situation and answers to your questions. You can ask multiple questions in one consultation.

Some parents like to return to ask further questions and scenarios. 

Most Common Questions and Scenarios

  • How do I implement a good family rhythm and routine?
  • How do I connect more with my child/ren when I am busy?
  • How do I stop shouting and speak so my child/ren can listen?
  • How do I stop sibling arguments and fighting?
  • How do I get my child to bed and to stay in bed?
  • How do I leave the house on time and in a good mood?
  • How can I get my child/ren to stay at the table and eat healthy meals?
  • Can you explain how my child is changing into a teenager and what helps our relationship right now?
  • How do I set up a good play space for my children?
  • What craft can I include for them that is simple?

You can literally ask me any questions and explain scenarios personal to you. I will prepare for you!